Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Predator" Retro Review

For my next Halloween themed review, I have chosen the 1987 action horror film, Predator. Out of the films that I have chosen for scary review week, this is easily one of the more traditional amongst them.

In the jungles of Central America, an elite team of special forces led by Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer are sent in to rescue a presidential cabinet minister being held hostage by guerrilla forces. While they trek deeper into the jungle, they are horrified to discover that they are being hunted by something much more dangerous than rebels, something otherworldly, the Predator.

When it comes down to it, the plot of Predator is fairly cut and dry. It's pretty basic horror movie structure, where the monster picks off the victims one by one. What does separate it from others of its kind is the fact that it also presents itself as an action movie. Whereas a traditional horror movie may have its victims portrayed as helpless teenagers in a cabin for the weekend, the Predator's intended prey are hulking men such as Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jesse "The Body" Ventura who can more than handle themselves in a confrontation. (Fun Fact: Both men would later become United States Governors of California and Minnesota respectively before they returned to acting.) While the team scours the jungle, weapons in hand, they find they are no direct match for the extraterrestrial hunting them for sport. Still they attempt to hold their own, and try to take him down. It's a rather thin plot when it comes down to it, but it's still a pretty fun watch.

This isn't really a movie that requires high caliber acting, or anything really notable about the performances. Yet there's nothing that makes it stand out as bad. Arnold Schwarzenegger does his usual shtick of being muscular and badass, but there's really nothing to make this standout amongst other his other movies. It does contain some of his most memorable scenes, but again, he doesn't do anything spectacular.

The same goes for Carl Weathers, Jesse Ventura, and a nameless brigade of men with muscles on top of their muscles.

If there is an Andrew's Standout for this film, it wouldn't be an actor, it would be the Predator costume. The makeup effects and and the overall quality is quite remarkable. Coming from an age prior to the routine use of computer imaging such as Avatar, the mask, the skin, all looks fantastic. The actor inside, Kevin Peter Hall, makes great use of the costume. It was almost as though the creature was real.

If you're looking for a fun movie to watch prior to halloween, Predator is a decent choice. The acting is nothing spectacular, but otherwise, it's a great ride.


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