Sunday, July 22, 2012

In Light of Recent Events...

Today I had planned to return to the film review world with my take on "The Dark Knight Rises". However given the recent tragedy that had occurred in Aurora, Colorado, I shall be postponing my review as a symbol of respect. (Rest assured, it will be posted tomorrow).

This has really hit home with me, considering that I also was in attendance at a Midnight showing of the film, and something like that could have happened anywhere....

I am not a politician, so I will not give you some Charlton Heston/Al Gore debate on Gun Control.

I am not a psychiatrist, so I will not try to make sense out of why James Holmes entered that theater and committed what is now being called the "largest peacetime shooting massacre in U.S. history".

I will just say that life is precious. It is a miracle of creation, if not the most profound phenomenon that occurs in nature. It can be taken from you in the blink of an eye. If this tragedy has done anything, it has opened my eyes to how delicate life can be. Don't take it for granted, but at the same time, don't seal yourself in a theoretical plastic bubble because things may be frightening at the time.

Don't be afraid. Live life to the fullest.

And I encourage all of my readers to help support the victims and family members of those lost in the massacre. Even if it is as simple as signing the petition for Christian Bale to visit those hospitalized whilst dressed in the Batman costume.