Sunday, May 31, 2015

"San Andreas" Review

First look at San Andreas will make you think that it's just explosions, carnage, and another step in a man's conversion from The Rock to Dwayne Johnson. For the most part, you're right. The film mainly revolves around the destruction surrounding an earthquake, but don't look at The Rock as the gimmick he was in his Disney days. He has become a full fledged movie star and a great actor with strong performances.

Johnson stars as Ray Gaines, an LA Fire Rescue Pilot. When the San Andreas fault begins shifting, earthquakes spread all across the west coast, and Gaines teams up with his estranged wife to rescue his daughter in San Francisco.

In terms of plot, don't look too far. It's a bare basics action disaster movie, and despite it's best efforts to instill itself with depth, it doesn't crack any new eggs. But I didn't hate it. The simplistic nature of the plot immediately calls to mind the wave of action films from the 80's and 90's. The scientists, the estranged wife, the daughter, elements that make the film seem as though it was written for a Stallone or a Willis. There's nothing noteworthy here, but it's still an enjoyable experience simply for the way it feels. If you're a fan of action, you'll be happy.

What saves this from being nothing more than a mindless, generic destruction piece like Transformers is The Rock...err...Dwayne Johnson. Johnson has a magnificent presence in the film, giving off the aura one would find in a classic action star. He very well may be the next Schwarzenegger. He has a likability that was missing from some of his earlier films such as Get Smart or The Game Plan where he seemed to be cast based on his stature. Now, Johnson is giving top notch performances full of heart, charisma, depth. He is truly a drawing factor now. And one that's not wasting your time.

All in all, theres not much to San Andreas other than being a fun action film and a showcase for what it's lead actor has become. It's not a great film. But it's enjoyable. He's known as The Rock. He's known as Dwayne Johnson. But to me...he'll always be...Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.


1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie yesterday, it was really good and Dawyne Johnson did a great job playing his character
